Polkadot, Faylen, Bread:yeast 1 Loaf


Part Two


If the dough doesn't respond in any of these ways, continue kneading for 5
minutes, adding a little more flour if you need to, until the dough is
resilient and has spring.
The 15-17 minute rule is important.  If the dough is underkneaded, the
gluten will not be developed enough  to allow the dough to rise during
fermentation.  Don't skimp on kneading time.  Set a timer if it helps.
Ferment the dough:  Shape the dough into a ball and let it rest on a
lightly floured surface while you scrape and clean and lightly oil the
large bowl.  Place about 1 Tbsp vegetable shortening or softened butter or
2 teaspoons of vegetable oil in the bowl.  Use a pastry brush or paper
towel to lightly oil the inside of the bowl.  The solid fats are
preferable, as the dough will evemtually soak up the oil, but either can be
used.  Place the dough in the bowl and turn the dough to coat the top with
Cover with a clean damp towel and place in a moderately warm draft free
place until doubled in volume.  (2-3 hours)  The dough has risen enough
when a finger, pressed 1/2 inch into the dough leaves an indentation.
Rest the dough:  Deflate the dough by pushing down in the center and
pulling up on the sides.  Form again into a ball, return to the bowl, and
cover again with plastic wrap or a clean damp towel.  Let rest in a
moderately warm draft-free place for 30 minutes.
Divide and shape the dough into loaves:  Deflate the dough, transfer to a
lightly floured work surface, and knead briefly.  Cut into 2 equal pieces.
Flatten each with the heel of your hand using firm direct strokes. This
releases any remaining gas and invigorates the yeast in the dough. Shape
each piece into a tight ball for round loaves.
Proof the loaves:  Line two bowls or baskets about 8 inches in diameter and
3 inches deep with well-floured lint free towels that have been well-dusted
with flour.   (My note:  colanders work well for this if you're short on
baskets!)  Place the loaves smooth side down in each bowl. Dust top side
with flour.  Cover with a clean damp towel or plastic wrap and put in a
moderately warm draft-free place until increased in volume about 1 1/2
times (1 1/2 to 2 hours.)
Bake the loaves:  Forty-five minutes to 1 hour before baking, preheat the
oven and baking stones to 450 degrees.
The oven rack must be in the center of the oven.  If it is in the lower
third of the oven, the bottoms of the breads may burn, and if it is in the
top third, the top crusts my burn.
Gently invert the loaves from the baskets or bowls onto a floured board or
peel so that they are right side up.  Using a very sharp, serrated knife or
a single-edged razor blade, score the loaves by making quick, shallow cuts
1/4 to 1/2 inch deep along the surface.
Using a well-floured peel, slide the loaves one at a time onto the hearth
and quickly spray the inner walls and floor of the oven with cold water
from a spritzer bottle.  If there's an electric light bulb in the oven,
avoid spraying it directly; it may burst.  Spray for several seconds until
steam has filled the oven.  Quickly close the door to trap the steam and
bake 3 minutes.  Spray again in the same way, closing the door immediately
so that steam doesn't escape, and bake until the loaves begin to color,
about 20 minutes.  Reduce heat to 400 degrees and bake until the loaves are
a rich caramel color and the crust is firm, another 15-20 minutes.
To test the loaves for doneness, remove and hold the loaves upside down.
Strike the bottom firmly with your finger.  If the sound is hollow, the
breads are done.  If it doesn't sound hollow, bake 5 minutes longer, and
test again.
Cooling and storage:  It is important to allow large loaves to cool at
least 20 minutes because they actually finish baking as they cool  If you
were to tear or cut into a large loaf too soon, you'd find the center still
doughy.  Cool them on a rack so that air can circulate freely around the
loaf.  If you place them on a flat surface to cool, the bottom crust will
become soggy.
Notes from the Chef: "Here's the other from the same book. It's super, too,
and takes only two days instead of five (I liked it when the first rising
was overnight in the fridge.)" - Faylen
Recipe By       : Daniel Leader, "Bread Alone" Serving Size
: 2 Preparation Time: 0:00
From: Faylen Date: 05-01-96 (09:04) The Polka Dot Cottage, a BBS with a
taste of home.  1-201-822-3627.
Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #711 by Lisa Clarke <lisa@gaf.com> on Aug 1,

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