Dairy 4 Servings


3 oz Absolut vodka
Butter-flavored pam
1 14 oz. can plum tomatoes
4 T Chopped basil
1/4 c Vodka, cheap stuff is okay
3 T Non-dairy fat-free coffee ma
2 T Non-fat cream cheese
1/2 lb Penne pasta
3 T Non-fat cheddar cheese, shre
1/2 Crushed red pepper flakes


Recipe by: Penchard Pour Absolut Vodka in a glass and sip while you
spray a large non-stick skillet with Pam. Add tomatoes and their
juices and bring to boil, crushing tomatoes with back of spoon.  Reduce
heat, add chopped basil and simmer 15 mins. Season to taste  with salt
and pepper. Add crushed red pepper flakes, Vodka, cream  cheese,
coffee-mate and cheddar cheese. Simmer 3 mins. longer. Cook  pasta in
boiling water until al dente. Drain well and toss with  sauce. If fat
grams aren't a problem, substitute cream for  coffee-mate.  Total fat
per serving (using coffee-mate) is approx. 2  grams  File

A Message from our Provider:

“You can tell how big a person is by what it takes to discourage him.”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 222
Calories From Fat: 2
Total Fat: <1g
Cholesterol: <1mg
Sodium: 19.1mg
Potassium: 162.8mg
Carbohydrates: 45g
Fiber: 4.1g
Sugar: <1g
Protein: 8.8g

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