A Perspective On Trials Title: A Perspective on Trials Text: Heb. 12:4-12 Tracing: Preached p.m. 6/3/90 at SDCC. Topic: Trials Theme:

Prim Goal :
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Intro.: The last time I preached a sermon on Heb. ÿ12:4-12 I ÿwas asked the ÿmost unexpected question I have ever received about a sermon: A dear old lady, active in the church for decades, asked me if she should ÿworry that she was not saved because she didn’t think ÿshe had ever been disciplined by God! Is there anyone here over 12 ÿwho has never faced trials? ÿWho has ÿnever ÿbeen ÿhurt ÿor disappointed or ÿsick ÿor ÿconfused ÿor disillusioned or frustrated? Body: I. YOUR TRIALS COULD BE WORSE v.4 Be Reassured by the experiences of those who have suffered worse (cf. Heb. 11:35b ff) or Jesus (Heb. 12:2-3) II. YOUR TRIALS ARE USED BY GOD FOR DISCIPLINE v.6 -Events of this world are results of the choice of Adam & Eve. God ÿrarely interferes with those results. ÿHowever, ÿHe does use them to accomplish His will! -Difference between Discipline & Punishment. Punishment based on ÿwhat ÿis ÿdeserved ÿ(God ÿpunishes ÿthose ÿin ÿrebellion) ÿÿ– Discipline ÿis ÿbased on what can be taught or ÿaccomplished ÿ(God disciplines the faithful) III. YOUR TRIALS DEMONSTRATE YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN GOD’S FAMILY v.6-8 -If an unruly child is not disciplined by those around him who would ÿbe ÿable ÿto do so it indicates that 1) ÿthey are ÿnot ÿhis parents or 2) they don’t care. CHILDREN INSTINCTIVELY KNOW THIS! Sometimes they push just to see ÿwhere ÿthe limits are or if you care enough to enforce ÿthem. Illus.- Mindy watching to see if I am looking before disobeying a plainly issued prohibition. WHILE MAKING EYE CONTACT AND WATCHING MY ÿEXPRESSION ÿSHE DISOBEYS. ÿAfter the ensuing ÿpunishment ÿshe often settles ÿdown ÿand ÿplays ÿwith ÿa ÿmuch ÿgreater ÿdegree of contentment that before the challenge. IV. ÿÿYOUR ÿTRIALS PRODUCE LASTING GOOD v.10 ÿÿDespite ÿMomentary sorrow. Holiness v. 10 Righteousness v.11 Peace v. 11 Conc.: Strengthen yourself — Don’t give up. v.3,5,12

Comments: Prepared by Scott L. Purcell Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church 1501 Stokelan Drive Malden, MO 63863 (314) 276-2343 Reproduce, modify, and use freely for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom! If these outlines are of some benefit to you, a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!