A Word From The Wise Is Suffici
.HEAD 1 + Title: A Word FROM the Wise is Sufficient! Text: Ecclesiastes
Tracing: Preached September 6, 1992 PM at SDCC. Topic: Life-choices
Socrates said, “Know Thyself” and “The unexamined life is not worth living”. Such statements have been honored as wisdom for generations — one should choose one’s course in life carefully and know why we make the choices we do instead of living life blindly, caught in a routine.
But such wisdom was not a new thing — a man far wiser than Plato or Socrates wrote an entire book with similar thoughts years before — the book of Ecclesiastes, written by Solomon.
Recount Solomon’s “Pilgrimage”.
.HEAD 2 + The Questions posed: How will you spend your days? 2:3 In what will you seek fulfillment? Education and learning 1:12-18 Entertainment and Pleasure 2:1-3 Accomplishments, Accumulation of Wealth 2:4-11 Commitment to One’s Work 2:17-23
.HEAD 2 + The Realities faced
.HEAD 3 + Death comes to all equally 2:14-15 and time erases the impact of even great men 2:16
.HEAD 3 + Our work goes to benefit our successors, sometimes fools 2:17-21 4:7-8 .HEAD 3 + The ability to enjoy one’s own blessings is a rare trait 4:7-8 5:10 6:3-6
It is a tragedy to work and work, never enjoying our rewards and ultimately passing them to others — but it is a fact that most find it impossible to stop and enjoy them ourselves.
.HEAD 2 + The Conclusions drawn
.HEAD 3 + Savor Life 2:24 3:12-13 4:18-20 5:18-20 9:7-10
This is good — it makes life better — but it is still no ULTIMATE ANSWER!
.HEAD 3 + Fear and Obey God, Preparing for Eternity 12:13
If this life is all we have to look forward to, there can be no meaning!
.HEAD 4 + Sowing Seeds for the Future 11:1-6 .HEAD 4 + Serving God with our Good Years 11:7 – 12:7
How will you spend your days? In what will you seek fulfillment? Seeking things you may never live to enjoy or serving God, enjoying what He give, preparing for eternity by cultivating a relationship with Him?
.HEAD 1 + Prepared by Scott L. Purcell Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church 1501 Stokelan Drive Malden, MO 63863 (314) 276-2343 Reproduce, modify, and use freely for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom! If these outlines are of some benefit to you, a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!