This is a Christian-run Internet ministry designed to draw people in to a Christ-honoring online environment where they can gradually be exposed to other Christians and varied information presenting the challenge and benefits of living a life committed to pleasing God.  The operator can be reached by e-mail at [email protected].

Jesus Christ came down to earth to “associate” with the lost and rescue them.  This idea is probably the foundational message of Harold Bell Wright’s book, “That Printer of Udell’s”, where a multi-church inter-denominational organization called “The Association” was formed to help people better themselves.

“The Association” and “The Reading Room” were foundational establishments of Harold Bell Wright’s story, and served as models, to some degree, for early ministry ideas when this site first went online as “The Association” Bulletin Board System (BBS), primarily serving modem-using callers, from 1991 to 1994.  Those ideas (The Reading Room – a massive God-centered reference library, for example) still remain online, though now accessible in web format.  In December 1995, the BBS completed a transition to 100% Internet operation to reach a larger audience, where it continues to grow today.