Vegetables Snacks, Vegetables 1 Servings


1 Acorn squash
1 ts Margarine
Salt to taste
Recipe by: James M. McDonald


NOTE:  Acorn squash seeds taste similar to pumpkin seeds except that the
hulls on the squash seed are smaller.  Therefore they are less dry tasting
than pumpkin seeds and don't get caught in your throat as easily.
Cut uncooked squash in half and scoop out seeds.  Clean pulp and strings
off the seeds in a collander under running water.  Set the seeds on a towel
to dry.  Preheat oven to 350 deg.  The seeds in a small bowl. Either melt
margarine and pour onto seeds or put solid margarine into bowl and mix with
you hands (my preferred method).  Spread seeds evenly on a cookie sheet.
Place in oven and cook 10 min. or until just starts to turn brown.
Posted to MM-Recipes Digest V3 #262
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 22:48:19 PST
From: jmcd@juno.com (James M. McDonald)

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