God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
Take care never to impute the vain imaginings of your fancy to Him [the Holy Spirit]. I have seen the Spirit of God shamefully dishonored by persons – I hope they were insane – who have said that they have had this and that revealed to them. There has not for some years passed over my head a single week in which I have not been pestered with the revelations of hypocrites or maniacs. Semi-lunatics are very fond of coming with messages from the Lord to me, and it may spare them some trouble if I tell them once for all that I will have none of their stupid messages… Never dream that events are revealed to you by heaven, or you may come to be like those idiots who dare impute their blatant follies to the Holy Ghost. If you feel your tongue itch to talk nonsense, trace it to the devil, not to the Spirit of God. Whatever is to be revealed by the Spirit to any of us is in the Word of God already – He adds nothing to the Bible, and never will. Let persons who have revelations of this, that, and the other, go to bed and wake up in their senses. I only wish they would follow the advice and no longer insult the Holy Ghost by laying their nonsense at His door.
THE narratives of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
are arguments designed to prove that Jesus is the
Christ, the Son of God (John 20:30, 31). They sum-
mon witnesses from all positions in life to testify to
this fact. They prove His divinity by His fulfillment
of Old Testament expectation, by His mighty miracles,
by His perfect life and teaching, and by His miracu-
lous conception and resurrection. There is a remark-
able air of expectancy in the closing chapters of each
of these narratives (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20;
Luke 24:45-49; John 16:7-13; 17:20, 21). In these
various passages the Master points forward to the com-
ing of the Holy Spirit, the endowment of the apostles
with supernatural power, the beginning of the preach-
ing of repentance and remission of sins at Jerusalem,
and the subsequent ministry of the apostles. Hence, we
are compelled to look beyond the last chapter of John's
argument for the history of these promised events. We
find this history in the Book of Acts — the only histori-
cal book of the New Testament. In this discourse we
are going to study this book as a whole, under five gen-
eral sub-topics.
1. Value. The Book of Acts could probably be called
the most neglected book of the entire New Testament.
Its plain, positive precepts and examples have long
been overlooked by the religious world. It was due to
the research of the pioneers of the Restoration move-
ment that the teachings of this treatise were rescued
from the backwoods of theology, and given their right-
ful place in the New Testament canon. During the last
century the Book of Acts has been given more and more
consideration, until now it is regarded as one of the
most valuable books of the entire Bible. "Were this book
omitted we would find a deep chasm between the Gospel
narratives, concluding with John, and the twenty-one
letters of the apostles beginning with Romans.
The Book of Acts bridges the chasm between the old
and the new institutions. Jesus had fulfilled the old
and laid the foundation for the new by His death,
burial and resurrection. Pentecost is the high eminence
from which we look back to the dawn of creation, and
the very beginning of the unfolding of God's eternal
purpose (Gen. 3:15; Eph. 3:8-12) ; or forward to the
ultimate victory of the church over all enemies (Phil.
2 : 9-11 ; Rev. 5 : 13 ; 21 : 1-3) . Hence, the Book of Acts
occupies an important place in the story of God's plan
for the salvation and redemption of man.
2. Authorship. We have not the time to go into
detail regarding this matter. Both the internal and
external evidence point to Luke as the author. Recent
research strongly confirms the antiquity and credibility
of Acts. Destructive criticism can not even find a vul-
nerable point in the stronghold of authenticity within
which the document securely rests. Luke, the author
of the book, was "the beloved physician," the travel-
ing companion of Paul (Col. 4:14; 2 Tim. 4:11;
Philem. 24).
3. Title. This book is erroneously styled "The Acts
of the Apostles. " In reality, it is merely a divine
record of some of the most important acts of some of
the apostles, recorded as examples for all ages to fol-
low. A more adequate title would be "The Acts of
Peter and Paul." The fore part of the book, extending
from chapter 1 to chapter 12 inclusive, is principally
occupied with the acts of Peter in opening the door of
the church to both Jews and Gentiles (Matt. 16:19;
Acts 2 and 10). The latter portion of the book, from
chapter 13 to the conclusion, is a record of Paul's
ministry to the Gentiles.
4. Theology. There are five fundamental lines of
thought brought out by the apostles throughout the
entire book, to which all others are secondary :
a. That Jesus is the long-expected Messiah, which
fact is proved partly by His fulfillment of Old Testa-
ment expectation, and partly by His resurrection.
b. That the Holy Spirit, who came on Pentecost, was
the immediate source of revelation; under whose direct
and divine guidance the apostles preached and acted.
c. That the entire Jewish economy was fulfilled in
the death of Christ; and superseded by the law of the
Spirit on the day of Pentecost.
d. That salvation through Christ is to be obtained
by a spiritual process, known as conversion, in which
there is a change of mind, a change of life, and a
change of relationship on the part of the sinner, all of
which are necessary to spiritual regeneration, or the
new birth into the kingdom of God (John 3:3-5).
Hence, all who came into the church under the ministry
of the apostles, came in only one way, by compliance
with the specific law of restoration, which changed the
old man of sin into a new creature in Jesus Christ
(Acts 2:38; 8:12; Bom. 6:3-9, 17, 18; Gal. 3:27).
This law of restoration included personal belief in the
Sonship of Christ (faith) ; a complete surrender of the
individual will to the will of Christ (repentance) ; and
an outward act of obedience that served as the visible
demonstration of the penitent disciple's faith that the
working of that same power which raised the body of
Jesus from corruption would likewise raise the indi-
vidual soul from the grave ot sin, an inward cleansing
symbolized by an outward burial in water, the symbol
of purification, and resurrection therefrom (baptism).
Hence Christianity is always spoken of as the "way,"
in the language of the apostles (Acts 18:26; 24:22).
It is the way of peace and reconciliation with God.
e. That the promises of the gospel — viz., remission
of sins, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and eternal
life — are to all those who comply with the terms of
pardon, whether Gentile or Jew, as there is no racial
distinction in Christ (Acts 10:34, 35; 11:18; Gal.
5. Contents. The narratives of Matthew, Mark, Luke
and John record what Jesus "began to do (Acts 1:1;
Heb. 2:3). Acts records the accomplishment of His
work. The chief agent in the book is the ascended
Christ, operating through the Spirit, with the chosen
apostles as the direct media of communication with
mankind. In this manner even greater works were
performed than could have been performed while Christ
was in the flesh (John 14:12) — spiritual works, such
as the salvation of the human soul, which are infinitely
greater than miracles of a material and temporal
nature. The apostolic office was predestinated (Eph. 1:
4, 5). " Their qualifications were supernatural, and
their work, once performed, remains in the infallible
record of the New Testament for the advantage of the
church and the world in all future ages. They are the
only authoritative teachers of Christian doctrine and
law." — Eitto. The scope of the entire Book of Acts is
stated in the first chapter, eighth verse. It includes the
history of
a. The church at Jerusalem (chaps. 1-7). For refer-
ence turn to Isa. 2:3; Luke 24 : 45-49 ; Acts 1:4, 5.
The ten days between the ascension and Pentecost,
occupied by the coronation of Jesus as Lord of all (Ps.
24:7-10). Jerusalem the place of beginning. The day
of Pentecost, and the coming of the Holy Spirit. The
first conflicts with the Sanhedrin. Stephen's discourse
and martyrdom.
b. The church in Judea and Samaria (chaps. 8-12).
The Jerusalem church, scattered by persecution, goes
everywhere preaching the Word. Philip in Samaria.
The conversion of the eunuch and of Saul of Tarsus.
Peter's vision at Joppa, and the subsequent admission
of the first Gentiles into the church, in the conversion
of Cornelius and his household. The discussion at
c. The church of the world (chaps 13-28). The
church at Antioch, the first missionary church, and the
great Gentile church, sends out Paul and Barnabas to
preach to the Gentiles. Paul's first missionary journey
over Asia Minor (chaps. 13, 14). His second mission-
ary journey (chaps. 15-18). He crosses the Hellespont
and establishes churches in Macedonia and Greece, re-
turning to Ephesus. His third missionary journey
(chaps. 18-21). Paul in Jerusalem and in Caesarea
(chaps. 21-27). The voyage to Eome (chaps. 27, 28).
Paul in Eome.
Thus we see that, within less than a century, the
movement was launched that was destined to overcome
the world. The Holy Spirit descended on Pentecost,
A. D. 29. The apostles, endowed with power from on
high, began to preach the gospel ; multitudes of hearers
believed and obeyed the message ; the obedient believers
were formed into local churches of Christ under the
supervision of elders and deacons; these congregations
had fellowship in temporal matters; the gospel spread
over Asia Minor and the entire Mediterranean world;
and in such manner the period of world-wide evangel-
ism was begun.
The Book of Acts gives us the account of the
preaching of the apostles, the early conversions^ the
establishment of churches, the activities of the churches,
the missionary and evangelistic policy and program of
the Holy Spirit. When we realize that the Book of
Acts serves as the divine guide in all matters pertain-
ing to the establishment, care and activities of all the
churches of Christ, then we can appreciate the impor-
tance of the volume. A careful study of Acts is what
we propose to give in this book of outlines, a study so
arranged that it can be transmitted by ministers of the
gospel to the churches which they serve, so that the
entire body of Christ may be uplifted and edified.