
Eggs Dutch Alcohol, Holidays, Beverages 12 Servings


10 Eggs
1/2 Level teaspoon salt
275 g Sugar
4 dl Cognac
1 1/2 level teaspoons vanilla essence (extract, I think)


Separate the eggs and beat the yolks with the salt and the sugar, until the
mixture is thick and creamy. Beat in the cognac, very slowly and put the
mixture into a double saucepan. Heat gently, whisking all the time until
the advocaat is warm (not hot) and thick. Remove the pan from the heat and
stir in the vanilla essence. Pour into a jug. Advocaat is served in a glass
and eaten with a teaspoon. It can also be topped with whipped cream.
Also, might I add, that advocaat is nothing like the eggnog here in
America...it is thick and creamy---not foamy at all. Boy, is Advocaat
(I usually get a bottle of it from the Dutch-America store and skip the
This delicious Dutch drink is actually eaten with a spoon!
One more from FROM HOLLAND WITH LOVE...the Dutch National drink!!<<GRIN>>
Food & Wine RT [*] Category 6, Topic 33 Message 6 Mon Jan 04, 1993 J.BOLLER
[Jacquie]           at 21:29 EST
MM by QBTOMM and Sylvia Steiger, GEnie THE.STEIGERS, CI$ 71511,2253, GT
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