1. God is with # Ps 46:5,7 Isa 43:2
  2. God is a refuge and strength to # Ps 27:5,6 Isa 25:4 Jer 16:19 Na 1:7
  3. God comforts # Isa 49:13 Jer 31:13 Mt 5:4 2Co 1:4,5 7:6
  4. God preserves # Ps 34:20
  5. God delivers # Ps 34:4,19 Pr 12:13 Jer 39:17,18
  6. Christ is with # Joh 14:18
  7. Christ supports # 2Ti 4:17 Heb 2:18
  8. Christ comforts # Isa 61:2 Mt 11:28-30 Lu 7:13 Joh 14:1 16:33
  9. Christ preserves # Isa 63:9 Lu 21:18
  10. Christ delivers # Re 3:10
  11. Should praise God # Ps 13:5,6 56:8-10 57:6,7 71:20-23
  12. Should imitate Christ # Heb 12:1-3 1Pe 2:21-23
  13. Should imitate the prophets # Jas 5:10
  14. Should be patient # Lu 21:19 Ro 12:12 2Th 1:4 Jas 1:4 1Pe 2:20
  15. Should be resigned # 1Sa 3:18 2Ki 20:19 Job 1:21 Ps 39:9
  16. Should not despise chastening # Job 5:17 Pr 3:11 Heb 12:5
  17. Should acknowledge the justice of their chastisements # Ne 9:33 Job 2:10 Isa 64:5-7 La 3:39 Mic 7:9
  18. Should avoid sin # Job 34:31,32 Joh 5:14 1Pe 2:12
  19. Should trust in the goodness of God # Job 13:15 Ps 71:20 2Co 1:9
  20. Should turn and devote themselves to God # Ps 116:7-9 Jer 50:3,4 Ho 6:1
  21. Should keep the pious resolutions made during afflictions # Ps 66:13-15

  22. Should be frequent in prayer See topic “Affliction, Prayer Under” 6206 # Ps 50:15-17
  23. Should take encouragement from former mercies # Ps 27:9 2Co 1:10
  24. Examples of afflicted Saints: 24a) Joseph

    # Ge 39:20-23 Ps 105:17-19

24b) Moses # Heb 11:25 24c) Eli # 1Sa 3:18 24d) Nehemiah # Ne 1:4 24e) Job # Job 1:20-22 24f) David # 2Sa 12:15-23 24g) Paul # Ac 20:22-24 21:13 24h) Apostles # 1Co 4:13 2Co 6:4-10