Almighty God, who savest our life from
destruction, and crownest us with mercy and
loving-kindness; blessed be Thy holy Name,
that Thou hast brought me safe to the end
of my journey, and preserved me from the
innumerable accidents and dangers to which
I was exposed. It is of Thy mercy that
health and life have been continued to me.
It is of Thy goodness that no evil men have
made any assault upon me, when others have
suffered by their violence. It is of Thy pro-
vidence that I have been protected against
accidents, so that not a bone of me is
broken. From how many unforeseen dan-
gers, O Lord, hast Thou protected me! Lord,
I will triumph in Thy praise; and not only
with my lips, but in my life, will I express
my thanks, by being more obedient to Thy
holy commands, and more peaceful in my
trust in Thee, that I may serve Thee in
holiness and quietness all the days of my life:
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
See how red your guilt is. Mark the scarlet stain. If you were to wash your soul in the Atlantic Ocean, you might incarnadine every wave that washes all its shores, and yet the crimson spots of your transgression would still remain. But plunge into the “fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel’s veins,” and in an instant you are whiter than snow. Every speck, spot, and stain of sin is gone, and gone forever.
C.H. Spurgeon