Almighty God, who art slow to anger and
plenteous in mercy, give to Thy servant a
meek and gentle spirit, that I also may be
slow to anger, and quick to exercise mercy
and forgiveness. Give me a wise and a pa-
tient heart, that I may not be moved to wrath
on every trifling mistake and slight provoca-
tion of others. Deliver me from a peevish
and contentious spirit, and suffer me not so
far to give place to the devil, as to let the
sun ever go down on my wrath, or to bear
malice and hatred in my heart. Thou, O
Lord, hast commanded us to lift up holy
hands in prayers to Thee, without wrath: O
teach me to obey this command. Give me
that Christian charity, which is not easily
provoked, that I may follow peace with all
men, being meek, humble, and merciful,
bearing with the infirmities of others, and
forgiving their offences, as I desire to be for-
given of Thee, through the merits of my
blessed Saviour Jesus Christ: to whom with
Thee and the Holy Spirit, be all honor and
glory, now and forever. Amen.
People imagine that dying to self makes one miserable. But it is just the opposite. It is the refusal to die to self that makes one miserable. The more we know of death with Him, the more we shall know of His life in us, and so the more of real peace and joy.
Roy Hession