Meats, Grains, Eggs Ethnic, Soups 1 Servings


6 c Chicken broth
1/2 Chicken
1 c Long grain rice
2 Eggs
1 Lemon; juice of
Salt and pepper
Chopped parsley


1.Cook chicken in broth 2. Drain chicken and dice pieces. 3. Return chicken
to broth, add rice and simmer until rice is cooked. Check salt and pepper
4.Beat eggs and lemon well . 5. Pour a ladle of the soup onto the egg/lemon
mixture 6. Return to pot 7. Bring almost o a boil 8. Serve sprinkled with
chopped parsley
Recipe by: Miriam Podcameni Posvolsky
Posted to TNT Recipes Digest by Leon & Miriam Posvolsky <miriamp@pobox.com>
on May 02, 1998

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