Eggs English Dressings, Saucesand 1 Servings


6 Cloves garlic
2 Egg yolks
1 t Lemon juice.
1 1/2 c Olive oil, up to 2
Salt and pepper to taste
1 pn Cayenne


Mash garlic until it becomes a puree, add egg yolks, cayenne, salt and
pepper and then start adding oil very slowly as for a mayonnaise.  Stir
in lemon.. If aiolli becomes too thick add a little warm water.  ~-
Miriam Podcameni Posvolsky Rio de Janeiro, Brasil  Recipe by: ELLE,
fiches, t: By Miriam P Posvolsky  Posted to MC-Recipe Digest by Leon &
Miriam Posvolsky  <miriamp@pobox.com> on May 17, 1998

A Message from our Provider:

“People ignore God and then blame him for the chaos that results”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 2998
Calories From Fat: 2945
Total Fat: 332.9g
Cholesterol: 360.2mg
Sodium: 25.5mg
Potassium: 113.9mg
Carbohydrates: 7.2g
Fiber: <1g
Sugar: <1g
Protein: 6.4g

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