ALAN CHAMBERS: former homosexual


Alan Chambers

“Even though I kept going back to gay bars, I knewGod loved me. He was there with me, waiting.”

I knew others who left homosexuality behind, so I knew I could,too. I had a hunger for a better relationship with God but wasfrustrated with Him. So, one day I asked God, “Why can’t I be happy?Why can’t a man meet my needs?” Then it was like, God-to-Alan:”Listen up…man wasn’t created to meet another man’s need, only Godcan do that.” You know, I knew God loved me, even though I kept goingback to the bars. He may not have liked what I was doing, but Hestill loved me. That’s when I realized His commitment to me was whatI had been looking for in everyone else, and that He had been therewaiting all along for me to turn to Him. That’s how I was able towalk away, and not want to ever go back again…God changed mydesire. I want so much for others to know they can come out ofhomosexuality if they want to…to believe that they can. It’simportant that theyknow God loves them. That’s the very first step.