

Pope Innocent III ordered a crusade against the Albigenses in 1208 which resulted in the extermination and dispersal of this group. Recent Roman Catholic history of the Albigenses attributes to them the belief in two gods, denial of the sacraments, denial of the humanity of Christ and denial of the authority of the Church and State. They are supposed to have believed that marriage and its use were wrong, forbidding concubinage and abortion. Suicide was permissible; meat and wine forbidden, and they are said to have believed in the transmigration of souls.

From NEVER FAILING LIGHT, R.M. Stephens, p. 31,32. “No sect has been more vilified by the Roman Catholics than the Cathari (Albigenses). They are represented as being infested with the Manichean heresy (2nd century) who believed in two gods, one resonsible for good and the other for evil. These two gods were held to be in perpetual conflict.

“To attribute this teaching to the Albigenses is a travesty of the truth due either to malevolence or ignorance of spiritual truth.”

(For more information, see NOBLE ARMY OF “HERETICS”, published by C.E.C.)