God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
Here are a few suggestions to help you get started [with Bible meditation].
1. Prepare. Issues of posture, time and place are secondary, but not unimportant. The only rule would be: do whatever is most conducive to concentration.
2. Peruse. Read, repeat the reading, write it out, then re-write it.
3. Picture. Apply your imagination and senses to the truth of the text. Envision yourself personally engaged in the relationship or encounter or experience of which the text speaks.
4. Ponder. Reflect on the truth of the Word; brood over the truth of the text; absorb it, soak it in, as you turn it over in your mind.
5. Pray. At some point take the truth as the Holy Spirit has illuminated it and pray it back to God whether in petition, thanksgiving, or intercession.
6. Personalize. Where possible, according to sound principles of biblical interpretation, replace proper names and proper pronouns with your own name.
7. Praise. Worship the Lord for who He is and what He has done and how it has been revealed in Scripture.
8. Practice. Commit yourself to doing what the Word commands. The aim of meditation is moral transformation.
Sam Storms
Alma’s Recipe for ‘possum
Meats, Game, Southern
Red pepper pod
Southern Cooking
Grosset & Dunlap
New York
Put 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scald quickly, and
pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet, tail, and
entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyes and head if
desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.
Put one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 pod red
pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt water and pour
boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boil up over possum
but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can be pierced with a fork
easily, and let stand in water until ready for baking.
When ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in a
moderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin will blister
and burn.
Carve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) which have
been previously baked.
192 DULL, Mrs. S.R.
Submitted by John Hartman Indianapolis, IN hartman@indy.net
Posted to MM-Recipes Digest by "John M. Hartman" <Hartman@indy.net> on Mar
26, 1998
A Message from our Provider:
“Peace starts with a smile.”
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