Dairy, Eggs, Fruits, Grains Canadian Desserts 6 Servings


2 1/2 c Whipping cream
2 t Grated lime rind
6 Egg yolks
3 T Granulated sugar
1 Mango
2 T Passion fruit liqueur
or coconut liqueur
1 t Lime juice


This recipe should be made one day before serving for maximum flavour.
In small saucepan, heat whipping cream and lime rind over medium-high
heat just until bubbles form around edge of pan, about 4 minutes; let
cool to room temperature. In large bowl, whisk egg yolks with sugar
until sugar is dissolved, scraping down side of bowl. Pour cream
mixture through strainer into egg mixture.  In 13x9-inch baking dish,
place 6 ramekins or 3/4-cup custard cups.  Pour custard evenly into
ramekins. Pour enough hot water into baking  dish to come halfway up
sides of ramekins. Cover tightly and bake in  350F=180C oven for 50
minutes or until knife inserted at edge comes  out clean. Uncovered,
let cool in water bath to room temperature.  Remove ramekins from water
and place on tray; cover and refrigerate  for 1 day or until properly
set and thoroughly chilled. [Custard can  be refrigerated for up to 2
days.]  About 1 hour before serving, remove custards from refrigerator;
set  aside. Peel and dice mango; place in bowl. Gently stir in passion
fruit liqueur and lime juice; cover and set aside. To serve spoon
gruit evenly over custards and serve immediately.  Variation: If you
wish to omit the liqueur in the sauce, substitute 2  tb lime juice and
omit the 1 ts lime juice in recipe.  Per serving: 460 calories, 5 g
protein, 40 g fat, 19 g carbohydrate  Dinner menu: Aloha For Six: Party
Planner Info Aloha For Six: Golden  Curry Macadamia Nuts Aloha For Six:
Chicken Salad With Soft And  Crispy Noodles Aloha For Six:
Ginger-Glazed Pork Tenderloins Aloha  For Six: Citrus Sweet Potatoes
Aloha For Six: Stir-fried Broccoli And  Sweet Onions Aloha For Six:
Lime Custard With Mange Sauce; or Aloha  For Six: Coconut Cookies
Source: Canadian Living Magazine March 1996 by Karen Barnaby  [-=PAM=-]
PA_Meadows@msn.com  Posted to MM-Recipes Digest V4 #175 by "KAR"
<bluekat@gate.net> on  Jul 7, 1997

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Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 250
Calories From Fat: 202
Total Fat: 22.8g
Cholesterol: 248.3mg
Sodium: 27mg
Potassium: 58.6mg
Carbohydrates: 8.5g
Fiber: <1g
Sugar: 6.5g
Protein: 3.7g

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