Swiss Sainsbury13 1 Servings


175 g Deluxe Belgian Continental
dark chocolate 6oz


~- 6    large size eggs -- separated 175 gram caster sugar -- plus a
little extra -- to dust (6oz) ***FOR THE FILLING*** 1 250 gram tub
alpine strawberry mascarpone 2 tablespoons double cream -- (2 to 3) 2
tablespoons icing sugar  Preheat the oven to 180 C, 350 F, Gas Mark 4.
Base line a 28cm x 38cm (11 inch x 15 inch) Swiss roll tin with baking
parchment.  Break up the chocolate in a small bowl and combine with
150ml (1/4  pint) water. Place the bowl over a saucepan of simmering
water and  melt. Once melted set to one side.  Place the egg yolks in a
bowl with the caster sugar and beat with an  electric whisk until light
and creamy. Gradually add in the warm  chocolate liquid and mix until
combined.  In another bowl, whisk the egg whites until they just hold
soft  peaks. Beat a quarter of the egg whites into the chocolate
mixture to  loosen it. Then carefully fold in the remainder with a
large metal  spoon. Pour into the prepared tin.  Cook for 25 minutes or
until a crust develops and when pressed with  the fingertips the sponge
springs back.  Allow the roulade to cool a little in the tin, then turn
onto a  clingfilm lined damp tea towel and roll up from the long side.
Refrigerate for 6 hours or overnight.  In a bowl combine the mascarpone
with the cream to make a loose  mixture. Remove the clingfilm and cloth
from the roulade, unroll and  turn onto a lightly dusted (with a little
caster sugar) sheet of  greaseproof paper. Cut 5mm (1/4 inch) off the
two sides of the  roulade to neaten.  Spread the filling over the
roulade and roll up tightly from the long  side, using the greaseproof
paper to help. Transfer to a serving dish.  Converted by MC_Buster.
NOTES : A mousse style roulade filled with creamy Alpine Strawberry
mascarpone.This requires overnight chilling.  Converted by MM_Buster

A Message from our Provider:

“A man who is eating or lying with his wife or preparing to go to sleep in humility, thankfulness and temperance, is, by Christian standards, in an infinitely higher state than one who is listening to Bach or reading Plato in a state of pride. #C.S. Lewis”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 543
Calories From Fat: 271
Total Fat: 34g
Sodium: 12.5mg
Carbohydrates: 71.9g
Fiber: 6.7g
Protein: 4.8g

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