Fruits, Grains, Meats Brunch, Fruit 6 Servings


4 lg Oranges; seeded
1 1/2 c Unsweetened coconut meat; grated
1 Papaya; peeled and sliced
1 pt Blackberries
3 Starfruit; sliced
1 1/2 c Pecans
Blueberry or clover honey


Remove the skin and membranes from the oranges and slice them in 1/4-inch
slices. Place a layer of orange slices in the bottom of a large glass bowl,
add a layer of coconut, then a layer of papaya, then blackberries, then
starfruit, and then pecans . Repeat the process until all the fruit has
been used. If the oranges are not especially sweet, a light layer of
blueberry or clover honey will help.
Cover the bowl tightly and refrigerate for an hour or more before serving.
Recipe by: Michael Lomonaco
Posted to recipelu-digest by Karen Sonnessa <ksonness@suffolk.lib.ny.us> on
Feb 2, 1998

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