It is meet, right, and our bounden duty,
that we should at all times, and in all places,
give thanks unto Thee, Lord God Almighty,
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
I will magnify Thee, I will worship Thee,
I will serve Thee, I will love and delight in
Thee, I will entirely devote myself to Thee,
Lord, my strength and salvation.
Thou art worthy. For Thou art the Lord
God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering,
and abundant in goodness and truth; keep-
ing mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity,
transgression, and sin.
In goodness art Thou exalted, Lord God
of Israel, our Father, forever and ever.
Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the
glory, and the victory, and the majesty; for
all that is in heaven, and in the earth, is
Thine. Thine, O Lord, is the kingdom, and
the power, and the glory, forever.
O Lord, my good and gracious God: For
my being; for my continued life; for my
reason; for Thy bountiful providence, by
which Thou hast nourished, preserved, di-
rected, and governed me:
I thank and praise Thee, O Lord, my God.
For my education; for my civil, social,
and religious privileges; for all the gifts of
nature and grace:
I thank and praise Thee, O Lord, my God.
For my redemption, regeneration, and in-
struction in the truth; for the repeated and
unwearied calls of Thy mercy; for Thy for-
bearance and long-suffering amid great pro-
vocations for so many years, and even to this
very time:
I thank and praise Thee, O Lord, my God.
For every mercy which I have received;
for every undertaking in which Thou hast
prospered me; for every good action which
Thou hast enabled me to do; for all the en-
joyments of this present life, and for all
Thy promises, and all my hopes of a better
life to come:
I thank and praise Thee, O Lord, my God.
For the advantage of pious and careful
parents; for the benefit of gentle teachers;
for the kindness of benefactors; for the plea-
sure of faithful and agreeable friends; for
the comfort of peaceable neighbors:
I thank and praise Thee, O Lord, my God.
For all who have at any time done me
good; by their writings, or by their sermons;
by their discourse, or by their temper; by
their prayers, or by their examples; by their
advice, or by their reproofs; by their re-
wards, or by their punishments; nay, per-
haps even by their causeless censures of me,
or unjust proceedings against me:
I thank and praise Thee, O Lord, my God.
For all these, and for all other instances
of any manner of good done to me, whether
asked or unasked; whether intended or not
intended; whether known or unknown;
whether remembered or forgotten; whether
with or against my consent:
I do, and will, praise Thee; I do, and will,
bless Thee; I do, and will, humbly adore
Thee, and most heartily thank Thee, this
day, and every day of my life.
O what is Thy servant, or what is my
father’s house, that Thou, the glorious God,
shouldst look upon such an one as I am!
What shall I render unto the Lord for all
the benefits that He hath done unto me?
For all that mercy which spared me when I
deserved punishment; for all that patience
which did not disdain to wait for that happy
change, when so much goodness should at
length lead me to repentance.
Blessed be Thy name, Holy, Holy, Holy,
Lord God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost, which was, and is, and is to come.
Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanks-
giving, and honor, and power, and might, be
unto our God, forever and ever. Amen.
May the memory of Thy goodness, and
every mention of these inestimable instances
of Thy wondrous love, fill my heart with
joy and thankfulness, in all places, and at
all times, unto my life’s end; and let not
any unworthiness of mine provoke Thee to
withhold from me any needed good, seeing
that all Thy blessings come not by my de-
sert, but through the merits and mediation
of Jesus Christ our Lord: to whom, with
Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honor and
glory, world without end. Amen.
In the time of the persecutions in France,
many a plain mechanic in prison wrote
long confessions of his faith, in which, to
our surprise, we find entire pages from the
Church Fathers, quoted word for word
from memory. What we commit to memory
is taken away from our doing and
thinking, and has become part of our
being. It has been inwrought in the
memory and in the habit of the spirit, and
is a permanent possession. – Ebrard.
Treasure up devotional forms in your
memory in youth. During the seven plen-
teous years, Joseph gathered for the seven
years of scarcity; when the evil time be-
gins, and want presses, it is too late to
gather. -Raumer