To be used at home after confirmation.

Lord, my God, I have renounced the
devil and all his works, the world with its
vain pomp and glory, and the flesh with all
its sinful desires: I resolve henceforth to
serve none but Thee, and to make it the
chief concern of my life to keep Thy holy

I have renewed my baptismal vows, which
alas! I have so often violated! I thank
Thee, O heavenly Father, that Thou hast
admitted me into full communion with the
Church, and hast given me grace with mine
own mouth and heart to renew my vows be-
fore Thee. By Thy help, O Lord, will I
keep them inviolate to my life’s end.

O my God, I dedicate myself to Thee this
day. I offer unto Thee my senses and pas-
sions, and all my faculties; I offer Thee all
my desires, all my designs, all my studies
and endeavors; all that I have and am, I
offer up entirely to Thy service. Lord sanc-
tify me wholly, that my whole spirit, soul,
and body, may become Thy temple. O do
Thou dwell in me; and be Thou my God,
and I will be Thy servant.

Though I am able of myself to do nothing
that is good, through Thy strength I can do
all things. O perfect Thy strength in my
weakness. Let Thy Holy Spirit purify my
corrupt nature, succor me in all temptations,
and assist me in all my religious duties.
Hold Thou up my goings in Thy paths, that
my footsteps slip not. Give me that victo-
rious faith, which overcometh the world;
and let Thy preventing and restraining
grace always preserve me.

To Thy keeping I commit my soul and
body: O cover Thou me in the day of battle,
against my spiritual enemies; and so con-
form my whole life to the example of my
blessed Saviour, that at the dreadful day of
judgment, I may find mercy, through His
merits, who liveth and reigneth with Thee
and the Holy Ghost, one God, blessed for
ever. Amen.