Italian Italian, Pasta 1 Servings


1 ts Minced garlic
1 ts Olive oil
5 To 6 Roma tomatoes, chopped
3 tb Balsamic vinegar
Salt & pepper to taste
1/4 c Chopped fresh basil
1/2 lb Angel hair pasta; (uncooked)


Saute the garlic in olive oil until lightly browned.  Do this in a skillet
large enough to hold the tomatoes later.  Leave garlic in skillet.
Place tomatoes, salt & pepper, basil and balsamic vinegar in a non-reactive
bowl and set aside for 10 minutes, stirring occassionally.
Boil water for pasta.
Just before you put the pasta in the water, drain tomatoes and reserve the
juice that runs off.  (I usually set my colander on a dinner plate). Put
the angel hair pasta in the water to cook for the recommended amount of
Heat your garlic skillet and toss drained tomatoes briefly JUST to heat.
They should retain their shape. The pasta should finish cooking (usually no
more than 5 min. for angel hair) at the same time the tomatoes are ready.
Toss the pasta and tomato mixture together and serve with freshly grated
parmesan cheese
Posted to FOODWINE Digest 13 Sep 96
Date:    Sat, 14 Sep 1996 11:27:40 -0400
From:    Eileen & Bob Holze <beck4@ASAN.COM>

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