Angelology Introduction 1

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John L. Lipscomb, P.O. Box 11884, Memphis, TN 38111


Section Eight: ANGELOLOGY


Angelology is the study of angels.

The word “angel” is a translation of the Greek word AGGELOS, Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, # 32. This word is also translated “messenger, messengers,” (Matt. 11.10; Mark 1.2; Luke 7.24, 27; 2 Cor. 12.7).

These invisible spirit beings were created with the intended purpose that they “bring great glory to God Who sits upon the throne” (Rev 4.9,11).

“Since we know that there are many forms of created beings of a lower sphere than man, it is reasonable to believe that, though invisible, there are beings of a higher order that man.” Chafer, L.S., Major Bible Themes, p. 41.

Evidently these beings were created by God for His own purposes. Apparently, they were created before the creation of man.

They appear to be greatly interested in the human race. All our lives are constantly under their surveillance and observation.

Some of the angelic realm seek to interrupt the lives of God’s people. This is particularly true in light of God’s will to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is to the believer’s advantage to understand the angelic realm. To know the hosts of heaven is of great benefit to those who walk through time. The Word of God has a great deal to say about the inhabitors of the “heavenlies.”

The believer is allowed by God to learn from the faithfulness of the holy angels and to avoid the errors of the disobedient angels.

I. The OCCURRENCE of Angels

The occurrence, the very existence, of angels is doubted by many and even denied by some.

There are several evidences, however, that clearly demonstrate their existence in space-time history.

  1. Evidences In the Scriptural Record

Angels are found in at least 37 of the 66 books of the Bible. 1. The Old Testament Occurrences In the Old Testament there are 108 references to “angels” recorded in 17 books. 2. The New Testament Occurrences In the New Testament there are 165 references to “angels” recorded in 20 books. 75 of these occurrences are in the Revelation alone. To deny the Biblical record of the existence of angels is to deny the Scriptures… B. Evidences In the Saviour’s Revelation The Lord Jesus believed in the literal existence of angels (cf. Matt. 18.10, 25.41, 26.53). To deny the Saviour’s declaration is to deny the Saviour. To affirm both the Scriptural and the Saviour’s declaration is to believe in the literal occurrence of angels.

II. The ORIGIN of Angels

  1. Angels are “Created beings”
    1. By Direct Creation From God

Under the administration of the Lord Jesus Christ (cf. Col. 1.13-16; cf. Ezek. 28.15; Psa. 148.2-5). 2. By Distinct Creation By God Some angels are “ministering spirits” (Heb. 1.14; cf. Matt. 4.11 and Luke 22.43). Some angels are “observing spirits” (1 Cor. 4.9; Eph. 3.10). Some angels are “worshipping spirits” (Rev. 5.11, 7.11). Some angels are “serving spirits” (Rev. 7.1, 8.2 ff).

B. Angels are Creature Beings They are “Below God” and “above man” by God’s design (cf. Psa. 8.5; Heb. 2.7).

C. Angels are Confirming Beings Angels were created before the Earth’s “Foundation was laid” (Job 38.2-7) where they, “sons of God shouted for joy” at God’s handiwork.

D. Angels are Considerable Beings The angelic realm is an “Innumerable company.” Descriptive terms reflecting the angelic realm include: 1. “Myriads” (Heb. 12.22) 2. “Ten thousand times ten thousand” (Dan. 7.10) 3. “Twelve legions” (Matt. 26.53)