Dairy, Grains French Worrall tho, Worrall1 1 servings


4 Onions; medium white,
; unpeeled
100 ml Milk
4 oz Fresh white breadcrumbs
Extra virgin olive oil
5 oz Tinned tuna
1/4 Chilli
1/2 tb Capers; rinsed and drained
1 Clove garlic; finely chopped
2 ts Dried oregano
4 Plum tomatoes; halved
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper
A large handful of basil
2 oz Grated parmesan
2 oz Pine nuts
4 oz Crisp breadcrumbs
2 Garlic cloves; peeled
8 lg Cup mushrooms; peeled
Extra virgin olive oil
2 Shallots; finely diced
2 Garlic cloves; peeled and finely
; diced
2 Handfuls parsley; finely chopped
200 g Crisp breadcrumbs; made by blitzing
; dried crostini in a
; blender
(crostini is slices of French bread cut
; into very thin slices and


Save 4tsp breadcrumbs, mix the remainder with the milk. Cook the
onions in salted water for 30 minutes and then leave the onions to
cool in the water. Once cooled, trim the onions' tops and bottoms,
removing the skin, then take off the top quarter of the onion and
retain. Hollow out the centre of the onions leaving two layers. Place
the top quarter into the onion to give a firmer base. Chop up the
inside centres of the onion and saut. them in a pan until lightly
browned. Place the saut. onion in a food processor with the rest of
the ingredients, including the breadcrumbs and milk, and process to a
rough paste. Cook in a medium oven with a little water for 30
minutes. Top the onion with the reserved breadcrumbs and a dribble of
oil before roasting.
Scoop out the tomato seeds, season and turn upside down to drain on a
tray. Combine basil, parmesan, pine nuts, breadcrumbs and garlic in a
food processor, blitz then add enough oil to bind the mixture
together. Season.
Stuff the tomatoes with the mixture, being careful not to overfill.
Bake in a slow oven for 40 minutes, add water to the dish from time
to time. Garnish with a dribble of olive oil and parsley.
Chop the mushroom stalks finely and heat a little oil in a frying
pan, add the shallots and mushroom stalks and sweat until tender. Add
the garlic, parsley and breadcrumbs and allow to cool. Mix in a
little oil for binding and season. Spoon into the mushroom cups and
arrange in a baking tray. Add a few drops of water and bake in a
medium oven for 30 minutes.
Converted by MC_Buster.
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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