Eggs Spanish Dressing 4 Servings


1 Raw egg, or egg white for
low cholesterol/white
1 c Olive oil, extra virgin for
better taste/color
5 Cloves garlic -or-
3 Cloves, large elephant
garlic for smoother
1/2 Lemon -or-
1 Lime, juice of


Bob "Docpepr" Opersteny <RAO@CORHCC1.HCC.COM>  Aoli (Garlic Dressing)
(Base recipe by Frugal Gourmet: Jeff Smith)  Pedro's Spanish Alioli
below reminded me of the greek version of this  recipe; which is
essentially garlic mayonaise/salad  dressing.  You  can add chiles or
Sriracha for a dip/bread spread for fast  garlic  bread, etc.
Blend/whip 1 egg at room temperature add garlic (pressed) into blender
blend and slowly add olive oil; till emulsion turns  white/whipped-will
look like mayonaise stir in juice of 1/2 lemon or  1 lime (if you've
got the really big ones, taste after adding 1/2  amount) Use for potato
salad, salad dressing, cold chicken salad,  garlic bread, Keep
Refrigerated!  Note: no salt was added to base recipe, as this was to
be a  blood-pressure friendly recipe; the natural aolin(?sp)  from the
garlic, along with the olive oil has been known to help blood  pressure
and heart stress. You may add salt, chiles, spices as  desired to
create effect as desired.  CHILE-HEADS ARCHIVES  From the Chile-Heads
recipe list.  Downloaded from Glen's MM Recipe  Archive,

A Message from our Provider:

“How impersonal God seems is a measure of the distance you have put between yourself and God”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 15
Calories From Fat: <1
Total Fat: <1g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 14.8mg
Potassium: 52.9mg
Carbohydrates: 3g
Fiber: <1g
Sugar: <1g
Protein: 1.2g

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