Tessa’s, Seasonal, Kitchen 1 servings


175 g Fresh brown breadcrumbs
85 g Unsalted butter
600 g Bramley apples
125 g Demerara sugar
1 Cinnamon stick
Grated zest and juice of 1 lemon
1 tb Extra demerara sugar


Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/gas 4.
Peel, core and thinly slice the apples into a bowl. Mix in the
demerara sugar, lemon zest and juice and the cinnamon stick (broken
into 5 or 6 pieces).
Make the buttered crumbs by melting the butter in a heavy frying pan
and tipping in the breadcrumbs. Cook over a medium heat, stirring
constantly with a wooden spoon until all the butter is absorbed into
the bread and the crumbs have separated out and are a golden colour.
Layer the apple and crumbs in a buttered ovenproof dish (1.25 litre/2
pint size) finishing with a layer of crumbs. Press down with the back
of a spoon. Sprinkle the extra demerara sugar on top.
Bake in the centre of the oven for about 45-50 minutes until the
apples are soft (test with a skewer) and the top is crispy and brown.
If the pudding seems to be getting too brown before cooked, cover the
surface lightly with a piece of baking parchment or foil, but don't
tuck it in as it will spoil the crispy surface. Serve with clotted
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“The art of love is God at work through you. #Wilferd A. Peterson”

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