Eggs, Grains 8 Servings


2/3 c Shortening
2 2/3 c Sugar
4 Eggs
1 ts Cinnamon
2 ts Baking powder
1/2 ts Nutmeg
3 c Flour
2/3 c Water
3 c Grated; peeled apple
2/3 c Chopped nuts


Grease 8 wide mouth pint jars. Fill them 1/2 full with mixture of all
ingredients and bake on wire rack of oven for 45 minutes at 325 degrees. As
soon as cake is done, take one out at a time and put on hot lid. Screw band
down after wiping rim. Important: Do not add any other ingredients. Good
for Christmas gifts.
NOTES : Great gift idea.
Posted to Bakery-Shoppe Digest V1 #228 by saracen2@juno.com (v. j. redding)
on Sep 10, 1997

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