Fruits Desserts, Fruits 8 Servings


6 lg Apples; peeled and sliced
4 tb Honey; 3-5 tablespoons
2 ts Ground cinnamon
2/3 c Rolled oats
1/3 c Flour
2/3 c Packed brown sugar


Preheat oven to 350.  Spray a 2 quart baking dish with cooking spray.
Prepare the apples and put them in baking dish.  Combine the rest of the
ingredients and mix well.  Sprinkle over apples and bake 30-35 minutes.
1/8= 204 calories, .8g fat, 50g carb, 2g protein
Recipe By     : FatFree Mailing List
Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #279
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 1996 05:58:50 -0600
From: Terry and Kathleen Schuller <schuller@ix.netcom.com>

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