
Grains Jewish Side, Dishes-, Other 4 Servings


1 c Thinly sliced carrots
2 tb Reduced fat margarine
1 1/4 c Water
3/4 c Apple juice
2 tb Lemon juice
2 tb Brown sugar
1 ts Salt
1 c Uncooked rice
1/2 ts Ground cinnamon
1/2 c Raisins
1/2 c Sliced green onions
2 c Cored, sliced, unpeeled apples
1 tb Toasted sesame seeds


Cook carrots in margarine til tender-crisp, about 5 minutes. Add water,
apple juice, lemon juice, brown sugar, salt, rice, cinnamon and raisins.
Bring to a boil.
REDUCE heat, cover and simmer til rice is tender and liquid is absorbed,
about 15 minutes. Gently stir in green onions and apples, heat thoroughly.
Turn into a serving dish and top with sesame seeds.
Recipe By     : Low Fat, No Fat Cooking  Fall  1996   p. 59
Posted to JEWISH-FOOD digest V96 #038
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 17:16:07 -0400
From: Linda Shapiro- Naples Florida <lss@coconet.com> From: Debra Fran
Baker <dfbaker@panix.com> To: andreah@utj.org Cc: jewish-food@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: Sukkot Dinner Ideas Please Message-Id:
<199609252134.RAA03150@panix.com> Content-Type: text/plain;
charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> > I just got some really interesting information from a friend who is >
very versed in Judaism :-) > > > Oh, and you are supposed to have meat too,
but I don't know why. She
I can think of two reasons for the meat.  One is simple - there is a old
saying in Judaism (from the days when neither was more than weekly fare any
way) - "There is no simcha [joy] without meat and wine."  Every meal in the
sukkah should be a celebration (that's why I suggested bread with each
Another (and this is pure speculation) may harken all the way back to
Temple days, when there would be massive, and ever-increasing, extra daily
sacrifices during the week of Sukkot.  This is a pilgrimage festival as
well, so Jerusalem would be filled with people.  It just makes sense that
the extra meat (once the priests and Levites get their shares) would be
distributed to the crowds.  I could easily be wrong - anyone know what
happened to all the Sukkot sacrifices?
~- One sharp pepper is better than a basketful of melons. --Jewish Proverb

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