Grains Austrian Apples, Desserts 8 Servings


1/2 c Golden raisins; plumped
1/3 c Chopped walnuts; lightly toasted
1 lb Tart apples; peeled and cored, very thinly sliced
1/3 c Sugar
1/2 Lemon; grated and juice
1/4 ts Ground cinnamon
1/4 ts Ground nutmeg
1/4 ts Ground allspice
5 tb Unsalted butter; melted and cooled
1/2 c Fresh bread crumbs
8 Sheets frozen phyllo dough (18X14in.); at room temperature
Confectioner's sugar; for dusting


To plump Raisins: Put raisins in boiling water and let sit 15 minutes, then
Mix together in a large bowl the raisins, nuts, apples, sugar, lemon juice,
zest and spices. Have the butter and bread crumbs ready. Preheat the oven
to 400 degrees.
Spread a towel or a couple of sheets of waxed paper on a counter. Working
quickly to keep the phyllo from drying out and keeping the remaining sheets
covered with a damp towel, place one sheet at the towel long side across.
Quickly brush it with some of the melted butter, stroking in one direction
to minimize inevitable tears. Place the second sheet about an inch below
the first, and brush it with more butter. Continue to overlap the sheets of
phyllo, brushing each with butter, to make a rectangle about 22 x 14
Scatter the bread crumbs over the phyllo, leaving a 3-inch border all
around. Spread the apple mixture evenly over the bread crumbs. Fold over
the border of two short sides on top of the filling, then fold over the
longer sides. Lifting the towel to help you, roll up the filling along the
long side to make a bundle about 16 x 4 x 2 inches. With spatulas, transfer
it seam-side down to a buttered baking sheet or jelly-roll pan. Brush the
top and ends with the remaining butter and bake until golden brown, 25 to
30 minutes. Let it cool somewhat on the sheet. Dust the strudel with
confectioners' sugar, and serve still warm with lightly sweetened whipped
NOTES : Ready-made phyllo sheets, although not authentic, substitute well
for strudel dough and make the traditional Austrian desert possible without
a long day's labor.  Have all the filling ingredients ready before you take
out the phyllo, and take care to keep the sheets from drying by covering
them with damp cloths.
Recipe by: A Feast Of Fruits
Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #1042 by "Marie Smith" <craftee@sprynet.com>
on Jan 24, 1998

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