Eggs, Dairy Desserts, Pies & tart 8 Servings


1 9-inch unbaked single pie shell
3 Eggs
5 tb Sugar
1/2 ts Cinnamon
2 1/2 c Milk
1 c Applesauce


Beat eggs, sugar, cinnamon and milk. Mix in applesauce. Pour into shell.
Bake at 450 F. for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 F. for 30 minutes. MC
formatting by bobbi744@sojourn.com
Recipe by: Lansing CityLimits Mag. (Carole) Eberly's Edibles, Oct. '97
Posted to MC-Recipe Digest by Roberta Banghart <bobbi744@sojourn.com> on
Mar 02, 1998

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