Fruits, Eggs, Grains Fruits, Low fat, Muffins 12 Servings


6 oz Apricot baby food
1 t Baking soda
1 Stick butter or margarine
room temperature
1 c Sugar
2 Eggs
1 1/2 c All-purpose flour
1/2 t Salt
1 t Vanilla
3 T Poppy seeds
Finely chopped nuts


Line 12 muffin tins with a paper or foil liner or grease the pans  well
with butter or vegetable shortening. Spoon the baby food into a  small
bowl and stir in the baking soda. The mixture will foam up. In  a large
bowl, cream the butter and sugar until the mixture is smooth,  then add
the eggs and mix well. Add the flour, salt, vanilla, the  apricot
mixture and the poppy seeds or nuts, and mix just until all  the dry
ingredients are moistened. Do not overmix.  Divide the batter among the
12 cups, filling each cup 2/3 full, and  bake in a preheated 350 F oven
about 20 to 25 minutes, or until a  cake tester or toothpick inserted
into the middle of a muffin comes  out clean. Cool the muffins on a
wire rack. These muffins will keep,  if well wrapped, at room
temperature for three days and refrigerated  for up to a week. To
freeze, cool completely and then store in an  airtight freezer bag.
Defrost, covered, at room temperature. Posted  to Digest
eat-lf.v096.n238  Recipe by: Felicia Pickering, Eat-L  From:
<ebburtis@ix.netcom.com>  Date: Thu, 5 Dec 96 08:45:01 -0500

A Message from our Provider:

“For those who trust in God, there is always HOPE!”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 153
Calories From Fat: 16
Total Fat: 1.9g
Cholesterol: 31mg
Sodium: 214.7mg
Potassium: 60.4mg
Carbohydrates: 31.1g
Fiber: 1.1g
Sugar: 18.1g
Protein: 3.1g

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