Eggs Christmas, Cooking liv, Shortbread 36 Servings


2 Sticks soft unsalted butter
1 c Unsifted confectioners'
2 Egg yolks
2 1/3 c All purpose bleached flour
2 T Confectioners' sugar
1 c Apricot jam


In a mixing bowl beat butter with an electric mixer set at medium
speed until soft and light. Beat in sugar and continue beating until
sugar is completely incorporated. Beat in yolks, one at a time,
beating smooth between each addition, scraping bowl and beaters
occasionally. Sift flour over butter and egg mixture and fold in with
a rubber spatula, making sure flour is completely absorbed. Stretch a
piece of plastic wrap on a plate or cookie sheet and scrape dough  onto
wrap. Cover with another piece of plastic wrap and press dough  into a
10-inch square, about 1/2-inch thick. Chill dough until firm,  about 2
hours. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cover 2 cookie sheets or  jelly
roll pans with parchment or foil. Divide dough into quarters  and
remove one quarter at a time from refrigerator to roll. Place  dough on
a lightly floured work surface and lightly flour dough.  Pound dough
gently with rolling pin to soften it and roll dough to an  8-inch
square about 3 1/6-inch thick. Cut dough into rounds with a  plain 1
3/4 to 2-inch cutter. Arrange rounds on pans, about 1-inch  apart, as
they are cut. Repeat with remaining pieces of dough,  refrigerating
scraps between each rolling. After all the dough has  been rolled and
cut, press scraps together and re-roll them to make  more cookie bases.
Count bases and make a hole in half the bases with  a cutter or pastry
tube in the center of each. Place pans of cookies  in oven and
immediately lower temperature to 325 degrees. Bake the  cookies about
20 minutes, until they are pale golden and firm. Cool  on pans on
racks. To finish cookies, lightly dust the pierced cookie  bases with
confectioners' sugar. Arrange unpierced bases, upside  down, on a clean
pan. Bring jam to a simmer in a small saucepan over  low heat and
strain; allow jam to reduce for a minute or two, until  slightly
thickened. Gently spoon about 1/4 teaspoon of jam on each  unpierced
base, spreading it to within 1/8-inch of the edge. Top with  pierced
cookies. Place remaining jam in a small plastic bag and force  it into
one corner. Snip a small hole in the corner and squeeze a  drop of jam
into each opening in tops of cookies. Allow jam to dry.  To store,
arrange cookies in layers with wax parchment paper between  in an
airtight container. Posted to recipelu-digest Volume 01 Number  381 by
RecipeLu <recipelu@geocities.com> on Dec 18, 1997

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“Jesus: he understands”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 77
Calories From Fat: 26
Total Fat: 2.9g
Cholesterol: 17mg
Sodium: 4.5mg
Potassium: 17.3mg
Carbohydrates: 12g
Fiber: <1g
Sugar: 3.9g
Protein: 1.1g

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