Meats Sami Dujour08 4 servings


1 Green savoy cabbage head
2 oz Wild mushrooms
2 Pieces smoked bacon; in large dice
1 c Chicken broth
1 oz Butter
1 sm Arctic char -; (abt 2 to 3 lbs)
1 tb Olive oil
1 tb Balsamic vinegar


Clean the head of the cabbage by removing all the leaves and the hard
stems on it. Blanch quickly in boiling water and refresh it in cold
water. Clean the wild mushrooms. In a medium pot over low heat sweat
the bacon and add the cabbage; mix everything together until the
cabbage gets very soft. Add the mushrooms sweat some more then add
the chicken broth. Let simmer slowly until the cabbage is very soft.
Add a little bit of butter and finish cooking everything. In a saute
pan over high heat add oil, sear the char skin-side down only. Cook
the char until, medium-rare. Finish the cabbage with a little drop of
balsamic vinegar. Place the cabbage on a platter and serve the char
on top. Serve very hot. This recipe yields 4 servings.
Source: "CHEF DU JOUR - (Show # DJ-9389) - from the TV FOOD NETWORK"
S(Formatted for MC5): "07-31-1999 by Joe Comiskey -
Recipe by: Remi Lauvand
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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