Are You in the Right Family? Are You in the Right Family?

I’m Bob Clarke and this is my story.

Do you believe that just because you are born into acertain family religion, that you are on the right path toHeaven? I assumed that the church and the religiousinstruction that I received as I was growing up was”correct”. In fact, when I was about twelve years old Igot into a fight with my best friend, because each of us thought ourown religion was the only way to heaven. I alternated over the next12 years from being extremely devout, to wondering about the wholeconcept of God. The Bible teaches that “there is a way thatseems right unto a man but the ends thereof are the way ofdeath” I thought I was in Godís family because ofwhat my church taught me, but in reality, I wasnít — yet.

I believe that a person isnít educated just by going toschool. So, after college I moved to Atlanta to broaden my horizons.I hadnít been faithful in church attendance while in college.With the uncertainties that lay ahead of me in a strange city, I toldGod that if he would help me find a job and a place to stay inAtlanta, then I would go back to church. Circumstances fell intoplace, so I started to attend church. I now know that God was workingon my heart at that time. Although I was happy, and active in mychurch, I did wonder about other denominations. I visited otherchurches to see what they were like. I also questioned some of theteachings of my church.

One other thing I thought a person needed, to be truly educated,was to read the Bible. So, around Christmas of 1976, I decided toread the Bible for myself. About this time, I met a young lady whowas born again. Her name was Lynn. I told her about my desire to readthe bible. She gave me a Bible, and told me to start reading theGospel of John.

The very first line in John spoke to me. “In thebeginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word wasGod.” I simply accepted this as the absolute truthdirectly from God, put right before me! I read in John, chapter 3, ofthe need to be born again. John, chapter 3, verse 18, showed me thatsince I had not believed, I was condemned already. That reallyshocked me. I was “condemned already” — it wasníta matter of waiting until I died. The worst revelation was yet tocome. In John, chapter 3, verse 36, the Bible said that because Ididnít have the Son, the wrath of God was abiding upon me.Being under the wrath and condemnation of God was not a pleasantfeeling for me. I knew right then, that I was not right withGod. He was dealing with my heart in a big way at thatmoment. Even though I believed in God, and had tried to be a goodperson, I had never believed in Jesus Christ the way that God hadmeant for me to.

Right there in my apartment, while reading the Gospel of John, Ilet down the barrier that I had erected in my heart to keep God at acomfortable distance. Then I received Christ on Godís terms,instead of on my terms. Immediately I sensed something wasdifferent inside me. I now know that difference was the HolySpiritís letting me know that nothing was ever going to be thesame in my life. Indeed, the Bible says that “if any man bein Christ, all things are become new.”

I knew then with certainty that I was going to heaven when I died.Before that, I was a man that was hoping I might go to heaven, but Idid not know for sure. In reality, as the Bible had just revealed tome, I was hell-bent and hellbound. Wow, here in an instant, JesusChrist gloriously rescued me from my sin, and changed my destiny fromhell to heaven. I knew then, that when I died I would go to heaven. Ididnít have to wait and see, as I had mistakenly thought allmy life.

As I read the Bible over the next few weeks, I realized I had been”saved” that night, and that I was now, for the firsttime in my life, genuinely a Christian. What a wonderful prospect. Ifelt a new-found peace.

Since that time, I have seen God work wonders in my life. I havehad many prayers answered. Some of the circumstances were so uniquethat it could only have been God answering my prayers. One of theseoccasions included money being supplied – down to the exact penny -when I was in need. My own desires have been totally changed. Thethings I used to desire no longer control me, as they had before. Ihave a love for going to church — instead of just enduring it. TheBible has become a wonderful, exciting, and interesting book –instead of dull, dry and confusing.

The best thing ever to happen to me, was the day I gotsaved and was reborn. My physical birth and behavior placedme into the family of Satan — with the rest of the fallen humanrace. By being born again, I was placed in Godís family, and Ibecame a son of God. The question of my family relationship is noweternally settled. The eternal destiny of every person depends ontheir relationship to Jesus Christ — not on their religion. If youare interested in your relationship with God, I would love to talk toyou about my new “family,” — and about my HeavenlyFather.

If you would like to know more about the Savior that changed BobClarke’s life, you are welcome to attend the

Lehigh Valley Baptist Church
4702 Colebrook Avenue
Emmaus, PA 18049

Or call us at (610) 965 4700 or 1-800-893-9586.
