Grains, Meats Brazilian 8 To 10


1/4 c Olive Oil
1 lg Onion; thinly sliced
3 c Raw Long-grain Rice
3 c Chicken Stock; heated to the boil
3 c Water; heated to the boil
2 md Tomatoes; peeled; seeded, and coarsely chopped
1 ts Salt


The Cook & Kitchen Staff are taking you to four different corners of the
world to serve up a variety of regional holiday specialties. We're
currently offering you a taste of holiday treats from Brazil.
Today's recipe would also be served as a side dish with a traditional
Turkey feast in holiday homes throughout Brazil. One should note that
Brazil has not experienced a stable economy for many years. Because many
Brazilian families of modest means could not afford an extravagant
Christmas holiday, a law was passed in the early 1960s to help make
Christmas more affordable.
The "13th salary," or Christmas bonus, pays each Brazilian worker an
additional month's salary in November and/or December. This law attempts to
ensure that Brazilians have the extra money required to celebrate the
holidays. Although today's recipe is not required by law to be included,
you will find it a frugal addition to your holiday fare, should you elect
to serve it with tomorrow's featured recipe, the Christmas Turkey!
In a heavy 3-quart saucepan over medium heat, warm the olive oil for about
a minute, tipping the pan to coat the bottom evenly.
Add the onion and sauté, stirring constantly, for about 5 minutes or until
the onion is soft and transparent, but not yet brown.
Pour in the rice and stir for about 3 minutes, until all the grains are
coated with the oil. (Do not let the rice brown.)
Add the boiling chicken stock and water to the rice. Add the tomatoes and
salt, and return the mixture to the boil, making sure to stir occasionally.
Cover the saucepan and reduce the heat to a simmer.
Cook for 20 minutes or until the rice has absorbed all the liquid. Serve
Posted to dailyrecipe@recipe-a-day.com by Recipe-a-Day
<recipe-a-day@bignetwork.com> on Dec 5, 1998, converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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