
Thai Hot and spi, Sauces and 1 Servings


1/4 lb Thai Red or Red Serrano Peppers, stems removed
11 oz Prepared garlic
1 md Red onion
1 ts Salt
1/8 c Sugar
1/4 c White vinegar


Place all ingredients into a blender. Puree until a smooth consistency is
reached. Ingredient amounts can vary according to taste. Removing the seeds
from the peppers will reduce the sauce "heat." Store in a glass jar in the
refrigerator. Makes about a pint.
Serving Ideas : Great drizzled on pizza, eggs, or in chili to add some
NOTES : Formatted for MasterCook by the Beach_Bum@usa.net.
Recipe by: Art Guyer
Posted to TNT - Prodigy's Recipe Exchange Newsletter  by Art Guyer
<Beach_Bum@usa.net> on Nov 20, 1997

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