
Dairy, Eggs, Vegetables Cheese/eggs, Vegetables 2 Servings


1/2 lb Asparagus, trimmed
2 tb Butter
Small clove garlic,minced
1/2 lb Mushrooms, sliced
4 x Eggs, lightly beaten
2 tb Milk
1/2 ts Salt
1/4 ts Crushed dried basil or
3/4 ts Minced fresh basil……….
1 ds Freshly ground black pepper


Cut asparagus in 1 inch pieces; cook in boiling salted water until
tender, about 2 to 4 minutes.
Drain thoroughly.
Melt 1 T butter in 8 inch skillet, preferably one with non-stick
lining; saute garlic and mushrooms until done and moisture has evaporated.
Remove from pan; keep warm.
In a small bowl, combine eggs, milk, salt, basil and pepper. Melt
remaining butter in skillet until foamy, swirling it around pan to coat
evenly.  When hot enough that a drop of water sizzles when dropped in, pour
in egg mixture.  Tip pan so eggs coat skillet evenly. As eggs cook,
periodically lift up cooked edges, tilt pan and let uncooked egg run
When eggs are cooked, but surface is still shiny, place asparagus and
mushrooms on one side; slide out of pan, folding side without vegetables
over top.
Serve immediately
From Gemini's MASSIVE MealMaster collection at www.synapse.com/~gemini

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