God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
Embracing Sola Scriptura will radically alter your attitudes. It arouses profound gratitude to God for His rich supply to His children of “everything we need for life and godliness.” It inspires confidence in the Word of God as the complete, perfect, all-embracing, and all-sufficient revelation from God that it will never need amendment, correction, or supplementation. It begets humility regarding your own opinions and a deep suspicion toward your autonomous conscience and reason. It produces admiration and appreciation for the larger body of Christ in other times and places and the documents (creeds, confessions, catechisms, commentaries) which they have labored to leave for our understanding and benefit. And finally, it encourages submission to Scripture’s God who alone has ultimate authority in your life – the One who is in charge and who gets the final word.
John Thompson
Asparagus Wrap
Asparagus Spears
Dijon Mustard
Reduced-Calorie Mayonnaise
Bologna (large)
Trim the bottom end of the asparagus and blanch with boiling water.
Blend the mustard and mayonnaise in a small bowl. Divide and spread the
mustard mixture evenly on the large bologna slices. Wrap one asparagus
spear in each bologna slice. Place the slices in a single layer on a round
microwave platter or plate. Cover lightly with paper towels.
With the microwave on MEDIUM, cook for 1 minute or until hot; rotate the
plate one-half turn after 30 seconds.
One Serving: Calories: 86 Carbohydrates: 2 Exchange: 1 high-fat meat
Source: Diabetic Microwave Cookbook, by Mary Jane Finsand Sterling
Publishing (1989), ISBN 0-8069-6957-1, ISBN 0-8069-6960-1 (pbk.) Shared by:
Norman R. Brown
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 1996 15:00:49 -0700
From: Gerald Edgerton <jerrye@wizard.com>
MC-Recipe Digest V1 #120
From the MasterCook recipe list. Downloaded from Glen's MM Recipe Archive,
A Message from our Provider:
“Many favors which God gives us ravel out for want of hemming through our unthankfulness; for though prayer purchases blessings, giving praise keeps the quiet possession of them. #Thomas Fuller”
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