Meats Basics, Frisco, Jellies, Lec, Masterchefs 2 Cups


2 qt Water
1 lb Beef shin, ground
1 lb Bones, beef gelatinous
1 Carrot, finely chopped
1 Celery, stalk finely
1 Parsley, sprig
3 Shallots, finely chopped
1/2 Onion, not peeled
2 Bay leaves
1 pn Thyme
1 pn Rosemary
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
2 oz Cognac
2 oz Port


Aspic Jelly: ============  Put the water, bones, beef, vegetables and
spices in a pot and simmer  for 2 hours.  Skim the fat off the surface
and strain the liquid  through a chinois.  Add the port and cognac.
Check the consistency of the aspic by pouring 1/2 ounce on a plate and
refrigerating for 10 minutes.  If the aspic is not hard enough, add
2-3 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin.  Source:  Great Chefs of San
Francisco, Avon Books, 1984  Chef:   Max Schacher, Le Coquelicot, Ross,
Marin County, CA  File

A Message from our Provider:

“God’s artistry: Half completed works of art look ugly. Wait till you see the finished masterpiece”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 570
Calories From Fat: 15
Total Fat: 1.8g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 651.6mg
Potassium: 2575mg
Carbohydrates: 114.1g
Fiber: 25.3g
Sugar: 50.8g
Protein: 20.3g

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