

BASIC R.C. BELIEF Pope Benedict XIV stated that Assumption of Mary was a probable option, which is impious to deny, but it was not then made an article of faith (a dogma that must be believed under pain of mortal sin).

After centuries of debate among theologians, on November 1, 1950, Pope Pius XII defined that the Blessed Virgin Mary was assumed into Heaven, body and soul, where she was crowned Queen of Heaven.

Details have not been defined. Many say she died, not because of her sin, but because of her burden for lost souls. Others say she was assumed at the very moment of her death, and others put forth the legend that she was assumed up to 206 days after she died. They all agree (and must believe) that she was assumed into Heaven and that, with her Son at her side, she was welcomed and crowned Queen.

The scripture used is Romans 6:23 (her sinless body could not see corruption, so, rather than allow people to venerate her intact body on earth, God brought her to Heaven).

CHRISTIAN COMMENT Any undue exaltation of Mary is repulsive to a Christian who desires to see the Lord Jesus Christ alone exalted (Philippians 2:10,11). See Jeremiah 44:17 concerning “Queen of Heaven.”