Sympathy for gays

Sympathy for gays GAY BASHING . Before we set aside the recent controversy over gay lifestyles in DuPage, let me add a personal perspective. . I once worked the graveyard…

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Should Abortionists Be Sued

Should Abortionists Be Sued Should Abortionists Be Sued? They don't always tell victims about abortion complications. Two groups believe these doctors should be held liable for medical malpractice. by Camille…

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When Laws Allow Murder

When Laws Allow Murder WHEN LAWS ALLOW MURDER By Cal Thomas August 30, 1988 "I think that we should be men first, and subjects afterward. It is not desirable to…

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Welfare WELFARE The nation of Israel was instructed by God to provide for the needy of the land by the practice of leaving "gleanings" in the fields for the poor…
