Some Facts On Marriage Cathol
Some Facts On Marriage Cathol Some facts on Mary! Q: Was Mary always a Virgin? No! Matthew 13:55-56 - "Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called…
Some Facts On Marriage Cathol Some facts on Mary! Q: Was Mary always a Virgin? No! Matthew 13:55-56 - "Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called…
Sacrament of Penance PENANCE, SACRAMENT OF BASIC R.C. BELIEF A virtue disposing one to be sorry for sin, to purpose amendment and to make satisfaction for sins committed. This satisfaction…
Paganism Witchcraft Paganism A more encompassing term for witchcraft would be paganism. It has been called "man's first attempt at technology or his initial effort to gain controlof his environment.…
Traditional Roman Catholics TRADITIONAL ROMAN CATHOLICS POST VATICAN II Roman Catholics who don't agree with the innovations of Vatican II and generally disagree with ecumenism. They prefer the 16th century…
Tracking Satanic Chrime GENERAL INFORMATION "An informal network of approximately 1000 officers and counselors track satanic crime via phone, newsletters, and seminars" - "There is compelling evidence of the existence…
The Shakers Oneida Comm 2 THE SHAKERS / ONEIDA COMMUNITY by Randall Hillebrand (Part Two) THE ONEIDA COMMUNITY FOUNDER: . The founder of the Oneida Community was John Humphrey Noyes.…
The Reincarnation Of Shirley Ma Media Spotlight The Reincarnation of Shirley Maclaine by Albert James Dager Recent surveys indicate that at least one out of two Americans believe that reincarnation--transmigration…
The Lies Of The Serpent JW THE LIES OF THE SERPENT Compiled by Rev. Nelson Parkenson, Jr. False Witnessing of "Jehovah's Witnesses" The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, better…
Six Roman Catholic Doctrines SIX ROMAN CATHOLIC DOCTRINES THAT NULLIFY SALVATION BY GRACE A Media Spotlight Special Report by Albert James Dager Copyright 1988, Media Spotlight MEDIA SPOTLIGHT P.O. BOX…
Religious Science This article taken from FORWARD The News and Research Periodical of the Christian Research Institute Volume Seven, Number One ERNEST HOLMES AND RELIGIOUS SCIENCE "I didn't like any…