Salvific SALVIFIC POST VATICAN II A Roman Catholic term used a lot today, denoting that which produces or tends toward producing salvation, e.g., "God's salvific will", or "the salvific work…
Salvific SALVIFIC POST VATICAN II A Roman Catholic term used a lot today, denoting that which produces or tends toward producing salvation, e.g., "God's salvific will", or "the salvific work…
Real Presence REAL PRESENCE BASIC R.C. BELIEF When the priest in the Mass, says the words of consecration (Hoc est corpus meum: this is my body) the Lord Jesus Christ…
the Popes Goal Europe THE POPE'S GOAL: A CATHOLIC EUROPE Adapted from BIBLE BASED MINISTRIES newsletter No. 35 (P.O. Box 428, Pietermaritzburg 3200, South Africa) (We previously examined) the European…
Weeping Madonna Here's another one of these "miracles" which to me seems to have a strong Roman Catholic flavor. For the readers information, the Roman Catholic Church Rarely sticks its…
The Illuminati Real Or Imagine THE ILLUMINATI: REAL OR IMAGINED? NO SECRETS HID FROM GOD! In recent years in Christian circles as well as others there have been hushed whispers…
The Hundredfold Heresy THE HUNDRED-FOLD HERESY In today's evangelical community there is a movement underway that I will call the "Gospel of Many Blessings and Material benefits" or the "Hundred-fold…
Tabernacle TABERNACLE BASIC R.C. BELIEF A gold box in which consecrated Hosts are reserved on the altar. Because Roman Catholics believe that Jesus dwells here, they make the Sign of…
St Thomas Aquinas The Angeli ST. THOMAS AQUINAS Often called "The Angelic Doctor." Born about 1225; died 1274. An Italian theologian, the foremost Christian philosopher of the Middle Ages, and…
Seventh Day Adventists Are Th SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS - ARE THEY CHRISTIAN? Ellen G. White founded this religion, though she was a follower of one William Miller of New York,…
Seventh Day Adventism Another Seventh-day Adventism Another Gospel by HAROLD J. BERRY Grace College of the Bible Omaha, Nebraska Copyright by The Good News Broadcasting Association, Inc. All rights reserved.…