Resurrection Of Christ JW

Resurrection Of Christ JW JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES AND THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST by WALTER MARTIN Jehovah's Witnesses ant their official organization, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, have historically denied…

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Quarantines QUARANTINES CATHOLIC JOURNALS From THE SIGN, May 1958. "Q: What measure of time is a `quarantine' in connection with an indulgence? A: According to Church Law, an indulgence is…


Private Interpretation

Private Interpretation PRIVATE INTERPRETATION BASIC R.C. BELIEF In Roman Catholic theology, any interpretation not authorized by the Church. They use the example of the Pharisees, who quoted scripture but had…

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Post Vatican II

Post Vatican II POST VATICAN II I recently read an interesting book by Philip St. Romain, CATHOLIC ANSWERS TO FUNDAMENTALISTS' QUESTIONS, published by Liguori Press with the imprimatur of Edward…

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Vatican II

Vatican II VATICAN II A Roman Catholic Church Council, convened by John XXIII in 1962, interrupted by his death and re-convened by Paul VI. It ended in 1965, and was…

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Treasury Of Merit

Treasury Of Merit TREASURY OF MERIT (OR TREASURY OF THE CHURCH) BASIC R.C. BELIEF The superabundant merits of Christ and the saints from which the Church draws to confer spiritual…

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The New Age Movement

The New Age Movement THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT LESSON 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Much of the following material is taken from the book entitled "Unmasking The New Age" by Douglas Groothuis INTRODUCTION:…

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