Roman Catholic Doctrine

Roman Catholic Doctrine Roman Catholic Doctrine The following materials are copyrighted by Christian Equippers International (916-542-1509). We are availing the booklet here with its author's permission. You may read and…

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Votive Mass

Votive Mass VOTIVE MASS BASIC R.C. BELIEF A Mass to honor a person of the Trinity, a saint or for a special intention. On days of minor importance, a votive…

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Vestments VESTMENTS BASIC R.C. BELIEF A priest is elaborately attired for Mass, with different colored vestments for different seasons. Each garment has a religious meaning. POST VATICAN II Vestments have…


Vatican Bank

Vatican Bank VATICAN BANK THE CITIZEN, 4/12/84, reported: "The Vatican Bank, which owned part of Ambrosiano, has come under scrutiny since Ambrosiano, Italy's largest private banking group, collapsed in 1982.…

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The Shroud Of Turin

The Shroud Of Turin THE SHROUD OF TURIN Pope Paul VI called it "the greatest relic in Christendom." A 16th century Roman Catholic soldier, sent to persectute the Christians in…

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