The OuiJa Board
The OuiJa Board THE OUIJA BOARD Is it really a harmless game? A ÿharmless game? ÿ"It's fun to play Ouija ÿBoard!" ÿÿ"It scared ÿme!" ÿ"It shocked me with the things…
The OuiJa Board THE OUIJA BOARD Is it really a harmless game? A ÿharmless game? ÿ"It's fun to play Ouija ÿBoard!" ÿÿ"It scared ÿme!" ÿ"It shocked me with the things…
Stations Of The Cross STATIONS OF THE CROSS BASIC R.C. BELIEF A sacramental of the Roman Catholic Church. To do this devotion, one says a prayer before each of the…
Spiritualismsorcerywitchcraft Spiritualism, Sorcery and Witchcraft..... what does the Bible say? Do you know that God commanded Israel that those who practice sorcery or witchcraft should not be permitted to live?…
Pope John XXIII POPE JOHN XXIII QUOTATIONS From AD LIMINA TALKS , PAGES 57,67,68. "On the opening day of Vatican II, John XXIII said, `The greatest concern of the Ecumnenical…
Pagan Influences PAGAN INFLUENCES BASIC R.C. BELIEF From Knights of Ciolumbus Correspondence Course, Lesson 10, page 16. "Plato, for example, established an outlook on life that lasted hundreds of years…
Witnessing To A Roman Catholic WITNESSING TO A ROMAN CATHOLIC INTRODUCTION Since Peter is proclaimed as the first Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, I thought that it would be…
Why Catholics Should REad The B Why Catholics Should Read The Bible - James R. Urban The Holy Bible is man's most unique and wonderful treasure. Revealed between the covers…
What Jehovahs Witnesses Believ What Jehovah's Witnesses Believe Armageddon: God will soon wage war against mankind, destroying everyone on earth except Jehovah's Witnesses. The churches of Christendom, they say, will…
Transignification TRANSIGNIFICATION POST VATICAN II A modern concept espoused by some Roman Catholic theologians as a rational explanation of the Real Presence of Christ at Mass. The theory is that…
The Other Jesus Of The Cults THE OTHER JESUS of the CULTS SECTION B 7. HOPSCOTCH THROUGH THE BIBLE Satan is THE MASTERof this technique (Matthew 4:6) reference to the…