Stipend STIPEND BASIC R.C. BELIEF An offering made to the priest for services rendered; the most common is the Mass stipend. Roman Catholics are not paying for God's blessings received…
Stipend STIPEND BASIC R.C. BELIEF An offering made to the priest for services rendered; the most common is the Mass stipend. Roman Catholics are not paying for God's blessings received…
Shrod Of Turin SHROUD OF TURIN BASIC R.C. BELIEF The Shroud of Turin, a 14'3" long cloth that was alleged to have been the burial cloth of Jesus, first showed…
ScientologyPolicy Of Harassme SCIENTOLOGY: POLICY OF HARASSMENT CONTINUING? "There are men dead because they attacked us...There are men bankrupt because they attacked us, " wrote L. Ron Hubbard, the late…
The worlds most dangerous book ====[ The Christian BBS - Vic., B.C., 604-478-2789, 8,N,1 - 24 Hrs. ]==== THE WORLDS MOST DANGEROUS BOOK!! Would you place you trust in a…
Self realization fellowship SELF REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP Self Realization Fellowship was founded by Swami Paramahansa Yogananda and was brought to America in l920. International headquarters for SRF is in Los Angeles…
Pope Joan POPE JOAN Editor's Note: There has for centuries been a controversy raging about the occupancy of the "see of Peter" by a female. The following article was copied…
Ignatius Of Antioch IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH SECULAR JOURNALS From ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTANICA. "In the fourth century, (Ignatius') letters were corrupted by heavy insertions of an interpolater and the collection was augmented…
Hyper Dulia HYPER DULIA BASIC R.C. BELIEF Hyper dulia is an inferior type of veneration given to Mary. It is below Latria (reserved for God malone) and dulia (for the…
How To Witness To A Mormon How To Witness To A Mormon By Jim L. Toungate Jr. Before attempting to witness to anyone involved in a cultic group, have a…
Holy Cummunion HOLY COMMUNION BASIC R.C. BELIEF One of the seven sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church. It is a partaking of Jesus in the form of a Host at…