
Magisterium MAGISTERIUM BASIC R.C. BELIEF "The teaching authority of the Church in the pope and the bishops united with the pope. It is designed to take things from scripture and…


Kiss Of Peace

Kiss Of Peace KISS OF PEACE BASIC R.C. BELIEF A ceremony during Mass when the clergy exchange Christian greetings. Also included in this part of Roman Catholic theology is kissing…

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Intention INTENTION BASIC R.C. BELIEF This doctrine, which was hotly debated for centuries, states that in certain cases, an ordained priest may conduct all the sacramental forms, yet inwardly withhold…



Indulgences INDULGENCES BASIC R.C. BELIEF The remission in whole or in part of the temporal punishment due for sins which have been forgiven. The gaining of these and other credits…


Immaculate Conception

Immaculate Conception IMMACULATE CONCEPTION BASIC R.C. BELIEF In 1854, Pius IX defined this dogma as follows - "Through a special grace given by God, and anticipating the redemptive work of…

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