Keys Of The Kingdom

Keys Of The Kingdom KEYS OF THE KINGDOM BASIC R.C. BELIEF The spiritual jurisdiction of the Church, in virtue of which power sins may be forgiven, indulgences granted and penalties…

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Justification JUSTIFICATION BASIC R.C. BELIEF "The remission of sin and recovery of sanctifying grace by an act of perfect contrition or in the Sacrament of Penance; or the initial infusion…


Mortal Sin

Mortal Sin MORTAL SIN BASIC R.C. BELIEF A serious offense against the law of God, called mortal because it renders the soul dead to sanctifying grace and makes it subject…

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John Michael Talbot

John Michael Talbot JOHN MICHAEL TALBOT From TROUBADOUR FOR THE LORD by Dan O'Neill. "Here is the inspiring story of a rock and roll star who left the fast lane…

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Interdict INTERDICT BASIC R.C. BELIEF An ecclesiastical censure imposed on persons or places for violations of Church Law. Interdict is not ex-communication; a person under interdict is still a bona…



Inri INRI BASIC R.C. BELIEF The first letters of the Latin words placed on Jesus' cross: Iesus Nazaraenus Rex Iudaeorum (Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews), John 19:19. A…
